restore my active desktop

I don't know if I am contacting the right person. but I thought I would explain a problem I am having , in hopes that maybe you could offer me some sort of advice on how to correct the trouble I am having. 

Problem ---> : almost every time I reboot my laptop, I get a restore my active desktop. and it is driving me nuts. when I klik on the restore. I normally would be used to seeing the verification (yes or no) how ever .... in this case what I get is "an error occurred, do you want to continue to display ...) then I get a "yes or no" and it doesn't matter if I klik the yes or the no, it wont restore my desktop theme. I was wondering If you could offer me a solution to this prob. I hope I was able to explain it to you in a way that will help you understand my problem. Please reply @ your earliest convenience. 

Thank You in advance for your cooperation ... 

Vince Hajny

Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2006 15:04:43 UTC