Changing the official W3C XML Schema for the xml: namespace

The W3C's XML Core WG is considering a change to the XML Schema for the namespace (i.e. the xml: namespace).
The schema itself is available at .

Currently, that schema says that the default value of xml:space is
"preserve".  This is inconsistent with the description of xml:space in
Section 2.10 of the XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 Recommendations, which say:

	The root element of any document is considered to have
	signaled no intentions as regards application space
	handling, unless it provides a value for this attribute
	or the attribute is declared with a default value.

In particular, XSLT behaves differently when xml:space is present in a
document with the value "preserve" (either explicitly or by inheritance
from a schema), and WXS-aware implementations of XSLT are now becoming
available.  Forcing xml:space to be in effect present with a value of
"preserve", except where explicitly specified otherwise, would break
existing expectations.

Therefore, the XML Core WG would like to remove the default value
of xml:space from the XML Schema.

Please send comments to, which is copied on this

This discharges my action to the WG.

"Your worships will perhaps be thinking         John Cowan
that it is an easy thing to blow up a dog?      http:/
[Or] to write a book?"                
    --Don Quixote, Introduction       

Received on Wednesday, 1 September 2004 17:27:25 UTC