Re: production questions

At 10:48 AM 7/29/99 -0700, you wrote:

>In production [7] "Nmtoken ::= (NameChar)+" I think there may be a typo and
>the production should read "Nmtoken ::= (Names)+".  I did a search of the
>1.0 spec productions and find no other production which utilizes the Names

No, that is correct, Nmtoken is a string of namechars.  The 'Names'
nonterminal is referred to  not in other productions but in 
validity constarints: IDREF and Entity Names.

>Also another question:
>Production rules [9] and [10], the rules specifically allow both the single
>quote (') and the double quote (") as the literal delimiter.  In both
>productions, the delimiter character is also allowed inside the strings
>which they delimit.  Is this perhaps backwards?
>Eg: should
>[9] EntityValue ::= '"' ([^%&"] | PEReference | ...

Read the notation section and check out the meaning of the "^" character.

Received on Thursday, 29 July 1999 18:00:50 UTC