Error in XML 1.0 specification


I am cuurently working on a XML parser and was using the W3C
Recommendation (10-February-1998).
I found a little bug in section 4.4.5 (I guess it is a typing error)
where you are giving the following example.

    <!ENTITY % YN '"Yes"' >
    <!ENTITY WhatHeSaid "He said &YN;" >

When referencing a PE it should be like this :

    <!ENTITY % YN '"Yes"' >
    <!ENTITY WhatHeSaid "He said %YN;" >


Joerg Meyer

 Joerg Meyer,
 IBM Almaden Research Center
 USER Research Division
 650 Harry Road, NWE/B2
 San Jose, CA 95120-6099, USA
 Phone: +1 408 927 1876,   Fax:   +1 408 927 3030

Received on Thursday, 2 July 1998 18:37:55 UTC