Re: gloss, index for XML 1.0

At 10:35 AM 07/04/98 -0400, Brad Barber wrote:
>I've spent several weeks with the XML document and have noticed a
>few items that may be helpful for the next edition.

Thanks for the input.

>An 'elementdecl' or 'AttlistDecl' could be followed by
>        <!GLOSS a short description >

This kind of enhancement to the DTD syntax would need to be 
co-ordinated with the ISO group that controls SGML.  It's much
more likely that something of this sort would show up in some
new, more advanced post-DTD schema facility.

>I used a printed copy of the specification for annotation and the
>bulk of my reading.  The specification needs a printed index of
>non-terminals and internal links. 

Check out the annotated spec at - it may meet
your needs in this area.

As for the rest of your comments, they've gone into the suggestions-
for-improvements file should there be another version of the
XML spec. -Tim

Received on Tuesday, 7 April 1998 13:08:55 UTC