Question on the use of dot notation in SOAP Fault codes

Dear all,

At Logius we maintain Digikoppeling (, which describes - among others- a Dutch profile of a web service transport protocol  based on SOAP1.2 and WS-Basic profile 1.1

In defining a generic list of fault codes, to be used by various government agencies, we bumped upon a inconsistency between Soap 1.1 and WS-I Basic Profile 1.1. Hopefully, you could help.

In the SOAP 1.1 spec [section 4.4.1 SOAP Fault Codes]  it is advised to use a "." (dot), stating  "...The character "." (dot) is used as a separator of faultcode values indicating that what is to the left of the dot is a more generic fault code value than the value to the right"

However, in WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 [section 3.3.6 SOAP Custom Fault Codes] the use of the dot notation is discouraged, "A number of specifications have already defined custom fault codes using the "." (dot) notation. Despite this, their use in future specifications is discouraged."

In SOAP 1.2 the construction of fault codes is changed by using XML expanded names. Unfortunately. The Digikoppeling standard is still based on SOAP 1..1

Our question is: what is the advised notation to describe fault codes for our generic list? Another character than "."(dot) or use another construct?

Thanks in advance,

Pieter Hering
Lead Architect Stelselvoorzieningen
Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties
Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 52 | 2595 AN | Den Haag
Postbus 96810 | 2509 JE | Den Haag
M +316 11597802
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Received on Monday, 18 June 2018 09:15:39 UTC