Re: concatenating web services

> i would like to know, whether it is possible to pipe the output of one web services to the input
> of the other web service.
> i want to avoid that the client c gets all the temperature data from ws1 which it then sends to
> sw2 which calculates the average and sends the answer to c.
> i would rather like to tell ws1 somehow (how? that is actually my question) to send its output
> (list of temperatures) to ws2 and not to c. 
> ws2 must be able interpret it as its input and must know that it should send its output
> (average) to c and not to ws1.

I don't know of any existing possibility.
However, I would be really careful with this if it exists.
This is simply because lots of security issues might be raised there.

Please let me know if any such possibility exists.

Best regards,


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