RE: SOAP Encoding / Data Model as a (REST?) stand-alone data form at

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jacek Kopecky [] 
>  Your question shows again the slight inappropriateness of 
> XMLP WG doing a graph data encoding, it might be best to 
> remove SOAP Encoding from SOAP spec and put it elsewhere (it 
> might or might not compete with XML or RDF), but our charter 
> says we have to provide such encoding for graph data.
This sounds like a good idea - I would like to see an independent spec on
the serialization of a graph of name/value entities from the w3c.

>  As for REST, I think the standard should be just plain XML. 8-)

Which standard? XMLProtocol? SOAP? 
FYI, REST by itself isn't a standard, its a way of building large systems
(like 'event based integration', 'message passing architecture', etc.)

And for 'plain XML' - what about all the GIF, JPEG, CSS, JS, ZIP, JAR, MP3,
etc. that fly around? Who will speak for these?

Received on Thursday, 21 March 2002 12:12:19 UTC