SOAP Binding Framework, HTTP Binding, MEP documents

Section 5 of the "SOAP 1.2, Part 1" specification contains a placeholder
for the description of a transport binding framework [1]. The motivation
behind this framework is to ensure common behaviour across different
transport bindings. "SOAP 1.2, Part 2" contains the description [2] of one
such binding -- an HTTP transport binding -- which is largely the same
description as appeared in SOAP 1.1.

As part of its ongoing work in this area, the XML Protocol WG has authored
3 draft documents that describe a transport binding framework [3], an HTTP
binding [4], and a request-response message exchange pattern (MEP) [5] that
is referenced by the HTTP binding. The HTTP binding description is intended
to be an instance of a binding that conforms to the binding framework; the
WG may consider describing other instances that conform to the binding
framework. The request-response MEP is intended as a description that can
be referenced by different bindings; the WG may consider describing other

The documents are available for public review, and we expect discussion to
take place on this list. Note that the documents are drafts that have no
official W3C standing, nor do any of them necessarily represent a consensus
view within the XML Protocol WG, and the WG may change any of the documents
at any time.

For future reference, all of the documents are linked from the XML Protocol
WG's public webpage [6].


David C. Fallside, IBM
Ext Ph: 530.477.7169
Int  Ph: 544.9665

Received on Thursday, 11 October 2001 14:54:32 UTC