Re: Comments and element content for serialization

> Strictly

Well, that *is* the point of a spec, isn't it. :)

> according to Section 5 the 'ia' element would need to be of type
> Array in the namespace or of a
> type derived from that type.

That's how I read it.  But when one of the real authorities (I'm only a
nit-picker, myself :) says Sec5 allows all that schema allows, I needed
to double-check.

So an XSD->SOAP translator should raise an error if min/max occurs are
other than [0,1] and the element has any siblings.

But I don't think the question in the subject line has been given a
definitive answer yet. What does soap say about comments in element
content?  That is, is "1<!--x-->2" a legal serialization for the number
12?  For the two-character text string "12"?

Received on Saturday, 2 June 2001 16:40:01 UTC