Re: mid-course correction on abstract model for module processing

Hugo, Yves,

Mark Jones wrote:

> Here's what I think is the point of the header/body issue and R802.  A
> simple and perhaps common scenario would have the Body containing
> blocks that represent the bulk of the bytes being exchanged between
> sender and ultimate recipient.  In this case, the hope is that
> intermediaries might be able to do a detailed parse of only a small
> portion of the envelope (the blocks in the Header), identifying and
> processing those header blocks targeted at the current node, and just
> copying through the rest of the message (from <Body> on).

Yes, I agree; and I meant "parsing", not "processing" -sorry!

My point was that:

  1. Depending on the application, messages may carry many more "header" blocks than
     "body" blocks.
  2. It may be impossible to group together, in the message, "header" blocks that are
     targeted at the same intermediary, for at least two reasons:
       1. Some "header" blocks may be targeted at multiple intermediaries.
       2. Some "header" blocks may be untargeted (target = .../none).

I am thus under the impression that there are cases where parsing a contiguous set of
"header" blocks will not be possible, and where intermediaries will have to possibly
parse the whole, long, "header" section.


Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2001 11:17:19 UTC