ZING Information Forum

We are planning a "ZING Information Forum" June 22-23 in Chicago.  Details
will follow.

Tentative overview:

Wednesday, June 22, all day (or most) - presentations on all aspects of
ZING: SRW, SRU, CQL, ZOOM, ZeeRex, Update, Document Order, etc.
Higher-level presentations in the morning moving to more-technical in the

Thursday, June 23, part (or half) day business meeting. Part of the reason
for planning this meeting is that there hasn't been a ZIG meeting in three
years. This will be an opportunity to conduct any  outstanding ZIG business,
along with any new Z39.50 or SRW proposals. (We might begin this phase of
the meeting late Wednesday.)


Received on Thursday, 3 March 2005 15:17:01 UTC