Re: requesting XML records

On 28 Mar 2003 at 21:58, Mike Taylor wrote:

> > Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 22:37:21 +0100
> > From: "Theo van Veen" <>
> > 
> > > > Right. But to add some level of complexity: I do not mind having
> > > > names for brief and full DCX for example as long as it remains
> > > > clear that it is DCX. If different servers put different terms
> > > > in brief DCX I don't mind for the simple reason that what people
> > > > put in there will for 90% be something that I understand and the
> > > > other 10% I just ignore.
> > > 
> > > But unless there's a registry (or profiling), there's no guarantee
> > > that my server agrees with your client that DCX is "Dublin Core,
> > > Extended".  It might just as well be "Deep Custard, X-rated".
> >
> > Agreed. A schema saying "Qualified Dublin Core + <any /> for the
> > rest" will do, I think.  although our applications are intelligent
> > enough to allow for agreements on a higher level.
> So what we seem to be converging on is the following agreement: "When
> we are requesting XML records, the element-set name can be construed
> to mean whatever the profile wants it to".  But that's _always_ been
> true, whatever record syntax is requested.
> So what have we actually _done_ here?  Anything?

OK, probably that's not the way to put it and I should rely on my former formulation:

DCX means that the XML records are encoding according to the DCMI guidelines and contain terms from
the dc and dcterms namespaces. The records may contain terms from other namespaces when they could not -
within reason -  be expressed by terms from the dc and dcterms namespaces. It is recommended that
as much as possible terms from DCMI registered elementsets are being used. 


Received on Friday, 28 March 2003 18:00:54 UTC