Re: The imprecision of Z39.50

> Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 12:27:43 +0100
> From: Ashley Sanders <>
> > Is "book-case" one word or two?
> Tricky. Words joined by a hyphen(s) can have various meanings

Well, sure.  I think the meta-point is that we want to define things
so that individual servers can make their own decisions on such
matters.  Which means we need to be able to submit multi-word
search-terms (such as "multi-word" and "search-terms") instead of
sidestepping the problem and saying that must be built out of
booleans.  And that's why Alan needs to be able to tell servers the
different between a query for books called "search-terms" and one for
books whose titles contains the word (or words) "search-terms".

>    Type 2: Search type. Just 11 values defined in this -- the
>            search types numbered 1 to 11 above.

Aha-haha!  That's very cute :-)

Unfortunately, this approach can't work for the Bath profile, whose
job is very much to codify and add rigour to existing practice.
Interestingly pragmatic approach, though.

 _/|_	 _______________________________________________________________
/o ) \/  Mike Taylor  <>
)_v__/\  "Schmeichel is beaten for the first time today." -- Andy Gray,
	 17th December 1995, after Robbie Fowler's second goal made
	 the score 2-0.

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Received on Tuesday, 8 July 2003 08:49:39 UTC