Re: ASN.1 of new Z39.50 spec

On Mon, May 06, 2002 at 05:07:42PM +1000, Alan Kent wrote:
> Hi again,
> One of the programmers here got a printout of the revised spec off
> the LoC site, and had a few questions.

Sorry, he came across another one which was a more serious problem
for XER encoding Z39.50.

+ The definition of Variant contains a CHOICE that contains unnamed
+ types. According to the latest ASN.1 spec I believe that all items
+ within a CHOICE must now be named.

XER requires them anyway in order to have a standard name to use
in the XER encoding. Is it possible for the master copy of the spec
to add in standard names? It won't change the BER encoding at all.

I am hoping to put up a XER based Z39.50 server for people to play
with. (No-body might play, but I thought it would be interesting to
see if XER has any future at all. We might be able to build a
XER/Z39.50 gateway for example - if it was actually any use!)


Received on Monday, 6 May 2002 03:35:11 UTC