US National Z39.50 Profile Draft and Meeting


The standards committee (NISO SC AV) of the National Information
Standards Organization is making the near final version of the US
National Z39.50 Profile for Library Applications available for review
and discussion. You can access the document at:

This version includes the Introductory sections and the specifications
for Functional Area A, Bibliographic Search and Retrieval.  It reflects
the proposed changes in the Bath Profile (Release 2 Draft), comments
from NISO Voting Members during an informal review in Fall 2001, and
further discussions among the NISO SC AV members.  

NISO SC AV will meet on Wednesday, April 3, 2002 at OCLC in Dublin, OH. 
For information and draft agenda see:

This is an open meeting.  The committee will take action on moving this
draft forward to NISO for formal balloting.  In addition the committee
will be discussing the specifications for Functional Area B, Search and
Retrieval of Holdings Information.

If you are interested in attending this meeting, please send me an email
message.  You can also send comments on the draft directly to me and I
will carry the comments to the committee.

Thank you.

Bill Moen

Received on Thursday, 21 March 2002 19:08:14 UTC