Re: Z39.50 on the web (and in print)

> Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 16:18:02 +0000 (GMT)
> From: Robert Sanderson <>
> <xplainml id="ghlau-mailarchive">
>   <serverdetails>
>      <host primary="true"></host>
>      <host></host>
>      <host></host>
>      <port>210</port>
>      <database numrecs="2775" lastupdate="Tue Nov 27 12:14:51 2001 EST">mailarchive</database>
>   </serverdetails>
> [...]

Wow, that was quick!  I don't know enough XML to critique this
intelligently (yes, Virginia, I am one of those recidivists who insist
on continuing to believe that GRS-1 is A Good Thing) but I would
suggest --

	The gondolin server contains the largest on-line collection
	of card games known to exist on the internet.  If you're a
	card-games nerd, you definitely need to get your intestines
	over here ASAP.

OK, the tag-name could maybe do with a bit of work.

 _/|_	 _______________________________________________________________
/o ) \/  Mike Taylor   <>
)_v__/\  "You question the worthiness of my code?  I should kill you
	 where you stand!" -- Klingon Programming Mantra

Received on Friday, 22 February 2002 11:50:19 UTC