Re: Z39.50 diagnostics in Init response

Bob,  Ray

>   Rob, am I misunderstanding your mail - are you utilizing diag-1 and its
> features; or are you just correctly parsing it if it comes to you?

We ourselves at Crossnet are not utilising it in our applications - but
our toolkits give our customers the opportunity to if they so wish
 - these are folks who may not be on the ZIG list and whereas I can
certainly mailshot these folks suggesting they dont use it, I dont have
this degree of control.

This is also part of the general issue with freeware software - it can get
passed from person to person, organisation to organisation and not
necessarily picked up from the originating source.

Plus, who knows - someone may find a use for it at sometime in the future!

I would reiterate my previous thoughts that it remains in the text as
reference only but is worded strongly to say it is should not be used -
that way we dont have to start dealing with code issues in toolkits and
applications and possible customer support.


Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2001 03:48:21 UTC