Mapping to bib-1 use Attributes

Good Morning, I am a Product Manager at Bell & Howell Information and
Learning (formally known as UMI) and am in need of some assistance.

We are trying to add volume  / issue and article start page search
capability to our Z-39.50 interface to ProQuest. 
However, I am not sure how to properly map it to bib-1 use attributes that
we use with our server. 

After looking at much documentation it appears that the volume / issue
information would go into the 1030 use attribute. If this is correct, is
there a standard syntax for putting two pieces of information in the same
use attribute as we need to split them out upon receipt as these are
individual search fields in the underlying database. 

Unfortunately my Z39.50 knowledge is limited and I have a very short
deadline to get this information to my developers so any assistance would be
greatly appreciated. 

> 			Michael Hoover -- Product Manager 
> 			Bell & Howell, Information and Learning 
> 			Phone: 1-800-521-0600 ext: 3503  Fax: 1-734-975-6440
> 			Email:

Received on Wednesday, 31 January 2001 11:03:24 UTC