Re: Proposal: make init optional

On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 09:26:08AM -0600, Mark Needleman - DRA wrote:

> buffer sizes - what happens if the server sends more not less than the
> client can handle

HTTP is my comparison - I've had my disk run out a few times, and my 
browsers always crash (reasons unknown). So - are they debating buffer
size negotiations?? And my perl pseudo-browsers of course watch space issues.

> services - we sould need some new error mechanisms (perhaps just
> diagnostics) to indicate the service is not supported

when I wrote my server I had it accept every PDU defined at that time,
and send back a hopefully correct failure.  TO me expecting a client to
politely respect the option bits was unreasonable; sort of like assuming
an HTTP form only has expected data, in the format javascript allows...

> but this could be an interesting discussion - but for the purposes you
> want to do away with init - doesnt encapsulation handle a lot of what you
> are trying to do?

sure - encapsulation was for the same reason. But I could make init optional
with little or no effort, and certainly without alot of complicated thinking.
TO implement encapsulation is I believe we would all agree a major effort!!

Received on Monday, 8 January 2001 10:37:25 UTC