Re: ZING home page

> ZING, "Z39.50-International: Next Generation"
> (formerly ZNG) has a home page now:
> The ZING pages are not fully developed and we hope
> to provide more information over the next several
> weeks (following the holidays).

Can I ask some ignorant questions here - I assume yes.  My main
question is what it takes for a Z39.50 server to be a full fledged
SRW server?  My straw-man guess from skimming the pages is support
for the XML record syntax.  Is that true?

  What DTD does the XML come in and where is it stated when sent
and/or requested?

Robert K. Waldstein                Email:
Bell Laboratories, Room 3D-591     Phone: (908) 582-6171
600 Mountain Avenue
Murray Hill, New Jersey  07974

Received on Friday, 21 December 2001 10:20:12 UTC