New draft of Z39.50 Bib-2 Attribute Set now available

Some of you may get a double posting on this, as I posted it to the ZIG list
as well as to a list compiled by Lennie Stovel, RLG and myself of persons
who have indicated an interest in Z39.50 attributes designed for use when
searching bibliographic databases of descriptions created according to
accepted cataloguing rules such as the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules.

It's about a year since I agreed to work on completing a revised
bibliographic attribute set to be used in conjunction with the "new" Z39.50
Attribute Architecture.  So I am most pleased to announce that draft 7 of
the Bib-2 Attribute Set (Z39.50) is now available on the Bib-2 home page

The release of this draft is in preparation for a meeting on Bib-2 which
will be held during the ZIG meetings at the British Library in Boston Spa
(nr. York) in early October.  At the same meeting there will be an
presentation to ZIG as a whole on this new attribute set and its companion
MARC Attribute Set.

This draft  of the Bib-2 set has what some might interpret as a strong
MARC21 bias when sources were cited.  This occured as MARC21 is the format
with which I am most familiar.  But the attribute set will not be complete
until the set includes references from  sources other than MARC21, such as
UniMARC, or national MARC formats currently in use.  Therefore, Lennie and I
would welcome input from European colleagues who would be able and willing
to contribute this information.

Thanks to Lennie Stovel, Joe Zeeman, Ralph LeVan, Mark Needleman, Larry
Dixon and Ray Denenburg who suffered through the offline editing of two
intermediate drafts since the last public draft was released for the ZIG
meeting in Washington of December 2001.
As always, comments are welcome, publically on the ZIG list or to myself and
Lennie Stovel, RLG  

Barbara Shuh
Barbara Shuh
Library Network Specialist
National Library of Canada
Phone:  (819) 994-6969  Fax:  (819) 994-6835

Received on Friday, 31 August 2001 16:05:04 UTC