Re: Explain discussion question

> So two answers to how I do it - what I really do and what I do in the hope
> of one day supporting interoperability...
>   What I really do is use "retrievalRecordDetails" - using the fact that
> in my set up, for the most part, field tags and attributes tags are the same.
> Now given this I use "PerElementDetails" to send:
>    - a primary field name
>    - recordTag. A number I use as an USE attribute
>    - alternate names (e.g. 245, ti, title, mainTitle)
>    - generic names
>   I also, in an attempt to support clients, do "AttributeSetInfo" - it
> can carry an attribute primaryName and number - so I send that. Unfortunately
> not alternative and generic names. But think this should be enough for CCL -
> though haven't thoroughly understood all you sent yet...
>    bob

The problem is that CCL (the ISO-8777 standard I have anyway) does not allow
the definition of operators. (We ended up extending our version because
it got so painful). So what you can do instead is define different field
names for searching the same data source in different ways.

For example, you can define the following mappings:

	TIW: Bib-1 USE title, RELATION equal, STRUCTURE word
	TIP: Bib-1 USE title, RELATION equal, STRUCTURE phrase
	TIS: Bib-1 USE title, RELATION stem, STRUCTURE word

We allow indexes to be defined using different rules on the same piece
of data - for example as words (for TIW) and as a single long string (TIP).
(Index as a single long string allows a sorted list of titles to be
returned by scanning TIP). Stemming (TIS) however can share the same index
with word searching, so a separate index is not required (and you cannot
scan TIS to retreive all the stemmed values).

So we have
    one element in the GRS-1 record
    two term lists that can be scanned
    three CCL field names bound to different attribute lists

Using record retrieval record details I can support one CCL field.
Using term lists I can support two CCL fields.
But I cannot see anyway to support all three CCL fields as above.


Received on Wednesday, 15 November 2000 18:30:06 UTC