Re: specifying fonts when latin and complex scripts are mixed together.

On 11/01/2017 13:55, Glenn Adams wrote:
>     To be doubly certain, you could add
>     'font-selection-strategy="character-by-character"' [2] so each character
>     is considered individually, but I couldn't get it to make any difference
>     in this example.
> this feature isn't implemented in FOP

It is in AH Formatter, which is what I was using:

But, as above, it made no difference in this case. It looks like SimSun
covers the ASCII/halfwidth range of characters so, with or without
'font-selection-strategy="character-by-character"', 'Arial, SimSun'
produces the desired result and 'SimSun, Arial' produces all SimSun 
glyphs.  See attached.


Tony Graham.
Senior Architect
XML Division
Antenna House, Inc.
Skerries, Ireland

Received on Wednesday, 11 January 2017 14:56:31 UTC