RE: PDF screen reader and how to tag a block to be ignored by it

The for-each won't work as it will force all blocks that contain content into the left most columns, hence making the columns unbalanced. Didn't think it through completely.

Marijan (Mario) Madunic
Publishing Specialist
New Flyer Industries

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Mario Madunic
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 1:23 PM
To: G. Ken Holman;
Subject: RE: PDF screen reader and how to tag a block to be ignored by it

What I'm trying to do is straight FO to PDF. I want to add a bunch of empty fo:blocks output for style reasons (will get to that in a bit) to be ignored by a screen reader.

Here is the situation (using AHF 5 to create the PDF).

I have an index of part numbers in 3 columns and the columns have borders. When there are not enough entries to fill an entire page the border does not reach the bottom of the page. Not what is wanted. So I am creating a variable that contains a number of how many items are required to allow the column borders to reach the bottom of the page. Then use the following:

<xsl:for-each select="0 to $extraRowsNeeded">
   <fo:block />

So I was hoping there was an attribute that can define the blocks as fluff and no need to be read out. Stylistically bad and not screen reader unfriendly but what are other solutions?

This all being said. I have some code someplace that creates a balanced table of entries over an unlimited amount of pages and used a page bg for the column borders. Thus no need to add empty rows but don't know where it is at the moment.

Marijan (Mario) Madunic
Publishing Specialist
New Flyer Industries

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of G. Ken Holman
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: PDF screen reader and how to tag a block to be ignored by it

At 2011-02-14 12:42 -0600, Mario Madunic wrote:
>Is it possible to mark a block in FO so that a
>screen reader will ignore it (in this case PDF)?
>I’m thinking something in the line of xhtml
><img src=”some.jpeg” alt=”” />.

Can you clarify this a bit, please?

Do you want the FO content to show up when the
PDF file is in Adobe Reader but not show up when
the same PDF file is in a screen reader?

If you are producing something like ePub from
XHTML then you simply include the content in the
XHTML and a different stylesheet for the XSL-FO for the PDF.

. . . . . . . . . Ken

Contact us for world-wide XML consulting & instructor-led training
Crane Softwrights Ltd.

G. Ken Holman       
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