Re: Modularizing XSL:FO

Dave Pawson wrote:

> 2008/9/17 Ashish Baijal wrote:

  Hi Dave,

> > I am creating PDF using XSL:FO. In my PDF the last page
> > is for 'Terms and conditions'. This page is present in
> > each PDF document. Is there anyway that I can write this
> > code in a different file and include the same file in
> > each XSL:FO code.

> Create a seperate stylesheet for that output,
> then use it at the xslt stage as an included or imported
> stylesheet.

  It seems from the original message that Ashish doesn't use
XSLT.  So the answer should maybe begin by "add an XSLT step
to your processing chain first."




Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2008 13:59:54 UTC