Re: OpenType font support from Apache's FOP engine

OpenType fonts should work as long as they have TrueType glyphs. FOP
doesn't support CFF font data, yet. And advanced OpenType functions
(like glyph replacement) are not supported, either. I'd just try it out.
Help to improve the OpenType support is welcome.

BTW, you can access a broader pool of people who know about FOP if you
contact next time.

On 17.05.2007 08:48:02 Jayadev Pulaparty wrote:
> I'm trying to know if the latest version of fop engine from Apache 
> (0.93) has support for openType (otf) fonts.
> Can someone who already tried this throw some light?
> Thanks.


Jeremias Maerki

Received on Thursday, 17 May 2007 16:54:46 UTC