[ANN] RenderX Docbench is released

Dear list subscribers,

RenderX is pleased to announce RenderX Docbench, a package which
allows users to author books, articles, leaflets, forms, and to
format them for both on-screen and paged media.

The package consists of RenderX XEP XSL Formatter, oXygen XML
Editor, stylesheets for several popular markup vocabularies,
customized for best formatting quality with RenderX XEP, and
pre-set editing and transformation settings to simplify
authoring of high-quality, dynamic, retargetable documents.
Software components included into the package are tuned to work
together, and provide a complete authoring environment.

RenderX Docbench is available for purchase and downloading 
from RenderX on-line store at


Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov                             mailto:peshkov@renderx.com

Received on Wednesday, 27 October 2004 07:16:40 UTC