Re: Overflow

At 2003-09-18 07:43 -0700, Jim Donnelly wrote:
>The <fo:page-sequence master-reference="calender-page"> can only contain a 
>single  <fo:flow flow-name="calender-activities"> .
>I need one flow for the activities and a separate flow for the overflow 

XSL-FO 1.0 only supports a single flow.

>Logically I would think I should be able to add multiple <flows to each 
><fo:page-sequence just like I can add multiple <fo:static-content. But the 
>formatter fails if I try this.

Because it is not valid for XSL-FO 1.0.

As I mentioned in my last note, you will have to measure out the amount 
that you think will fit on the first page, and then measure out the 
remainder onto a separate page, each going in turn into the one flow for 
the page sequence.

>Also what is the syntax to trigger a new page?

You can use break-before= or you can use a new page sequence

I hope this helps.

............................. Ken

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Received on Friday, 19 September 2003 08:27:06 UTC