fo:inline on the edge of the region

"6.6.7 fo:inline" formatting object generates one or more "normal
inline-area"s. In "4.2.3 Geometric Definitions"
normal-allocation-rectangle of an inline-area is defined as box with
trimmed spaces and trimmed border+padding at the top and at the bottom,
thus top padding and border on the top edge of the "6.4.13
fo:region-body" causes overflow. Default "7.20.2 overflow" value is
"auto" and described as: "The behaviour of the "auto" value is user
agent dependent, but should cause a scrolling mechanism to be provided
for overflowing boxes." Scrolling for the printable document is the same
to hidden and should be clipped. Thus due to specification the following
XSL-FO file should not contain the top border of the inline. Am I right?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fo:root xmlns:fo="" font-size="12pt">
		<fo:simple-page-master master-name="main-page-master"
page-width="21cm" page-height="29.7cm" margin-top="2cm"
margin-bottom="2cm" margin-left="2cm" margin-right="2cm">
			<fo:region-body region-name="xsl-region-body"
margin-top="1cm" margin-bottom="1cm"/>
	<fo:page-sequence master-reference="main-page-master">
		<fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body"
				<fo:inline border="2px solid

PS: neither XEP nor XSL Formatter clips the top border. FOP does not
support borders for the fo:inline. 

Received on Friday, 5 December 2003 07:21:40 UTC