Re: FOP 0.20.5rc2 - how set base URL ?

Koch, Anthony wrote:

>       I'm using FOP 0.20.5rc2. When running within Tomcat, I am applying
>       XSL:FO against XML.
>       But the transformation fails to find the URL for an SVG reference
>       I have.
>       The error is:
>       [ERROR] Error while creating area : Error with image URL:
>       file(historyChart.svg) (The system cannot
>       find the file specified) and no base URL is specified

See FAQ:

>                <fo:external-graphic
>       xmlns:svg="" src="file(historyChart.svg)"/>
Wrong, try just
<fo:external-graphic src="url('historyChart.svg')"/>

Oleg Tkachenko
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

Received on Monday, 7 April 2003 05:32:49 UTC