Re: image formats: TIFF

Oliver Charlet wrote:

> we are desperate! we try to FOP-render a catalog using TIFF and CMYK JPEGs.
> we hit a lot of problems:
> 1. we shifted to using the latest release (0.20.4). we hoped JIMI would
> solve the problem of reading TIFF, but obviously fop does not recognize
> TIFFs at all.
> Has anyone ever rendered a FOP-PDF with TIFF imgages?

Search in fop-user list archives, that's a faq. You have to put jimi.jar into 
lib directory and rebuild fop in order to get jimi support.

PS. Mentioned above fop-user mail list is dedicated to discuss problems with 
fop usage, see
Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

Received on Tuesday, 5 November 2002 05:48:01 UTC