Re: XSL:FO baseline shift oddities


> Can anybody tell me why XEP won't process this file? The error I get is:
>  parseerror: line 924, column 11: The content of element type "fo:flow" must
> match
> "(fo:block|fo:block-container|fo:table-and-caption|fo:table|fo:list-block|fo
> :footnote|fo:float|fo:multi-switch|fo:multi-properties|fo:wrapper|fo:marker|
> fo:retrieve-marker|rx:fall-through)+".

This is a Xerces validation error message; it means that you can have only
the elements listed above as immediate children of fo:flow. In fact, your file
contains plain text nodes as immediate children of fo:flow: look at the text
that follows the first fo:block inside fo:flow.

To switch off DTD validation, you can specify a flag in the XEP's call:

-Dcom.renderx.FO2PDF.Parser.VALIDATE= false

Then it will simply ignore the error (and the offending  text nodes will be
We have thought however that it would be better to keep validation on
by default - to ensure that the input to the formatter is always well-formed.

As for the baseline-shift="sub", it worked for me on your example when
I switched the validation off; so I presume your problem is not due to

Best regards,
Nikolai Grigoriev


Received on Thursday, 5 July 2001 12:22:18 UTC