Re: XSL FO and the generation of "change bars"

At 14:59 29/08/2001 -0700, Ingram, Eugene wrote:
>You wrote: "If there is some obvious way, then please tell me and I'll
>be suitable embarrassed.  If there is some non-obvious way, then I will
>be very pleased to learn how to accomplish this."
>I have discovered the latter. :)

Same sort of logic for fo surely?
If you have the items tagged with an attibute,
a visual change bar could perhaps be, on block elements,
to instatiate a border-start of 2px or something?

If you were clever enought, perhaps even get it on the non-binding side?
I feel sure that's possible, but can't think of the property.

HTH, DaveP

Received on Friday, 31 August 2001 13:55:12 UTC