New Test suite from 6-30

Thanks for the new test suite. It is quite a bit easier to use than the 
old one. The features attribute in testdesc.xml is very helpful. There 
are still some issues in a few of the test cases though:

1. Many of the NIST test results still contain unnecessary document type 
declarations such as <!DOCTYPE x> even though these are not present in 
the source documents and thus not present in the source infoset.

2. On the flip side, one test case is missing a DOCTYPE declaration it 
should have, book.xml in EDUNI. i.e. there is a DOCTYPE in the source 
document but not in the result document.

3. It would be nice if the features attribute included a string for 
unparsed-entities. This would apply to NIST test cases 55 and 56

        <testcase id="Nist-include-55" href="nist-include-55.xml"
                  type="success" features="unparsed-entities">
            <contributor>Sandra I. Martinez</contributor>
            <date qualifier="created">January, 2003</date>
            <description> Including a duplicate unparsed entity.
            Test should ignore duplicate unparsed entity. </description>   

        <testcase id="Nist-include-56" href="nist-include-56.xml"
                  type="error" features="unparsed-entities">
            <contributor>Sandra I. Martinez</contributor>
            <date qualifier="created">January, 2003</date>
            <description>  Including an unparsed entity with same name,
            but different sysid. Test should fail. </description>   

Elliotte Rusty Harold

Received on Wednesday, 14 July 2004 08:06:53 UTC