Re: spec. problem: hexBinary, base64Binary value sets disjoint and not disjoint

I wrote:

> Either the hexBinary and base64Binary paragraphs need to be adjusted
> or the section 2.2.3 paragraph needs to be adjusted.

The OWL 2 SS&FSS draft at

   According to XML Schema, the value spaces of xsd:hexBinary and
   xsd:base64Binary are isomorphic copies of the set of all finite
   sequences of octets...

Couldn't the hexBinary and base64Binary paragraphs say something like
that in order to avoid the contradiction?

(By the way, a question:

I understand (at least partly) why the values spaces of some numeric
types are disjoint.  We're dealing with computer representations of
numbers, not just the numbers, and those representations (float,
double, etc.) cover different subsets of numbers.

Those those binary types are different--they both represent exactly
the same set of octet sequences.

So why are the value spaces of those two octet-sequence types

Is it part of the mechanism for defining how to check that instance
data is in the right lexical form?)

(Plain text sometimes corrupted to HTML "courtesy" of Microsoft Exchange.) [F]

Received on Wednesday, 2 September 2009 16:18:57 UTC