[Bug 5435] The term "valid schema" is used but not defined


------- Comment #2 from noah_mendelsohn@us.ibm.com  2008-05-28 15:46 -------
Michael Sperberg-McQueen writes:

> The exception is the occurrence of "valid schema"
> in the comment at the beginning of the schema for
> schema documents in

>   K DTD for Schemas (non-normative)

> Here, "valid schema document" appears to be meant;
> I suggest we change "valid schema" to "valid
> schema document".

Just curious:  why "valid schema document" as opposed to "conforming schema
document".  As best I can tell, the term "Valid Schema Document" occurs in only
one other place in the Rec, which is in a note and thus non-normative.  To my
eye/ear, "valid" has a hint of being valid per the S4S (to the extent one can
actually validate against that), but seems a bit ambiguous on meeting other
constraints.  No big deal, but I was curious about it.

Thank you.


Received on Wednesday, 28 May 2008 15:46:44 UTC