[Bug 2249] R-257: Health warning needed about percent-escaping URIs


------- Comment #8 from mike@saxonica.com  2007-09-24 18:18 -------
In response to comment #5: "it helps ensure that the question "is this string
in the lexical space of this datatype?" can be answered in finite time.".

I don't think this is true. If I imagine an infinite document supplied as input
to a streaming validator, then I cannot in finite time decide whether the
document is valid or not, and this is true whether or not I constrain the
strings within the document to be finite. Saying they must be finite therefore
adds nothing.

Looking at it another way, in your paper at Extreme Markup 2005


you wrote "I pride myself on my spec draftsmanship, but [...] is not a
definition I would want to make; it's not something that would turn into what
the QA people would consider a testable assertion."

Quite right: it's a good idea not to say something in a spec unless it's a
testable assertion. And in my view, saying that a string must be finite falls
firmly into the non-testable category.  

Received on Monday, 24 September 2007 18:19:05 UTC