incorrect unique constraint in Primer?

I have a question about the example of a unique constraint in the primer 
in section 5.1.  The following example is given:

  <unique name="dummy1">
   <selector xpath="r:regions/r:zip"/>
   <field    xpath="@code"/>
   <field    xpath="r:part/@number"/>

However, since a zip element may contain more than 1 parts the path 
expression "r:part/@number" does not result always in a single node, 
which makes this an illegal unique constraint (cfr. section 3.11.1 in 
XML Schema Part 1: Structures).

Actually I very strongly suspect that the constraint that they are 
trying to express is actually not expressible as a unique constraint.

Is this correct or have I misunderstood something?

    Jan Hidders

  | Post-doctoral researcher               e-mail: |
  | Dept. Math. & Computer Science         tel: (+32) 3 265 38 73       |
  | University of Antwerp                  fax: (+32) 3 265 37 77       |
  | Middelheimlaan 1, BE-2020 Antwerpen, BELGIUM     room: G 3.21       |

Received on Monday, 20 October 2003 12:22:36 UTC