- From: David Fallside <fallside@us.ibm.com>
- Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 19:09:16 -0800
- To: www-xml-schema-comments@w3.org
- Cc: Kenneth Geisshirt <kenneth@geisshirt.dk>
Kneth, I am passing your message along to the XML Schema comments list. David ............................................ David C. Fallside, IBM Ext Ph: 530.477.7169 Int Ph: 544.9665 fallside@us.ibm.com Kenneth Geisshirt To: David Fallside/Santa Teresa/IBM@IBMUS <kenneth@geiss cc: hirt.dk> Subject: XML Schema Primer 11/23/2001 05:47 AM Hi David, I have been reading your primer on XML Schema. Have you throught about producing it as a PDF or PS file? It would be great for printing. Have a nice weekend Kneth -- Kenneth Geisshirt, M.Sc., Ph.D. http://kenneth.geisshirt.dk GPG Fingerprint: 7424 AF49 AB47 03D4 D7C5 A07C 4D92 37E7 2F92 0B79 Computers are like air conditioners they stop working properly if you open WINDOWS
Received on Monday, 26 November 2001 22:09:12 UTC