Re: XML Schema Primer part 0

Kelvin, thanks for your email. I am forwarding it to the email address for
comments (see the Status section of the Primer).

David C. Fallside, IBM
Ext Ph: 530.477.7169
Int  Ph: 544.9665

                    Goodson/UK/IBM       To:     David Fallside/Santa Teresa/IBM@IBMUS                             
                    @IBMGB               cc:                                                                       
                                         Subject:     XML Schema Primer part 0                                     
                    03:23 AM                                                                                       


I was firming up my XML schema knowledge through the referenced web page
and spotted what I think is an inconsistency.  Forgive me if I misinterpret
things but the following paragraph seems to be at odds with the table entry
below it.

The schema processor treats defaulted elements slightly differently. When
an element is
declared with a default value, the value of the element is whatever value
appears as the
element's content in the instance document; if the element appears without
any content,
the schema processor provides the element with a value equal to that of the
attribute. However, if the element does not appear in the instance
document, the schema
processor does not provide the element at all. In summary, the differences
element and attribute defaults can be stated as: Default attribute values
apply when
attributes are missing, and default element values apply when elements are

versus table at --

(0, 1) -, 37
                                optional, -, 37
                                             element/attribute may appear
once; if it does not appear
                                             its value is 37, otherwise its
value is that given

Best Regards, Kelvin.

Dr. Kelvin Goodson
Mail Point 211, Hursley Park
Winchester SO21 2JN
Tel. +44 1962 818178, Fax. +44 1962 816898,

Received on Monday, 29 October 2001 12:57:54 UTC