<attribute use='prohibited'/> in complex type restrictions

A quick question on the use of <attribute use='prohibited'.../> when
restricting a complexType.

Suppose I have a complexType such as:

<complexType name='base' mixed='true'>
		<element name='first' type='string'/>
		<element name='second' type='string'/>
	<attribute name='fixedAttr' fixed='some value' type='string'/>

and I restrict it to prohibit the appearance of the fixedAttr attribute, as

<complexType name='restr' mixed='true'>
				<element name='first' type='string'/>
				<element name='second' type='string'/>
			<attribute name='fixedAttr' use='prohibited'
				fixed='some value' type='string'/>

The question is the following, when I say "use='prohibited'", do I need to
include all of the other aspects of the attribute decl from the base type,
or could I just do this with the shorthand below:

<complexType name='restr' mixed='true'>
				<element name='first' type='string'/>
				<element name='second' type='string'/>
			<attribute name='fixedAttr' use='prohibited'/>


Received on Tuesday, 3 July 2001 14:14:06 UTC