RE: what should I expect for validation of attributes of type QNa me?

> QNames as datatypes in ordinary documents (not XML Schema documents)
> are just that, qualified names, and are simply constrained to have the
> right form and to have an appropriate NS declaration in scope.
> There's no implication that they 'refer' to schema components, or that
> they should 'resolve' to anything.
> ht

Sadly, I'm not getting even that quality of validation, but I'll have to
take that up with the vendor.

I want not just the form of a QName, but the semantics of resolution as
well. The "XMLSchemaResolvableQName" datatype.
Or perhaps what I really want is an "onValidate" attribute via which I can
specify code which will add my own stuff to the PSVI. Then I could write

<attribute name="measure" type="QName" onValidate="my:resolveQName(this)"/>

as well as many other things, of course. Sort of like a trigger function in
a database. Or does this hook exist already?
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