processContents attribute of <any>

I wrote:

> Section 4.4.7: processContents
> I assume that one of these modes is appropriate for XSLT
> literal result elements (ideally that the element content
> model is not validated, attribute presence is validated,
> attribute typing is validated if there is not a "{ }" in
> the attribute).

Henry wrote (2 March 2000):
That's a little _too_ specialised for this version . . . 

It would be good to get a description of what the various processContents
enumerated values mean (or at least what the current intention is).  If the
optimal XSLT behavior is too specialized for this version, then at least
one of the processContents modes should be looser than the optimal
to allow some validation of XSLT stylesheets.

Received on Thursday, 9 March 2000 10:53:43 UTC