Re: dynamic element name specification.

At 07:57 00/05/03 -0700, Dr. Ardeshir Bahreininejad wrote:
>I wish to define an element in a schema document where
>the "name" of the element is not known. Let's say, the
>name of the element may be decided by other parties
>using the schema for example:
><element name="Cat"/>
><element name="Dog"/>
><element name="????"/> where a different user may
>decide on the ????. How do we define such dynamic name

I can think of two methods of achieving this effect.

1 Entity hack.  Place the generic identifier (the name
of the element type) into a general entity.  The schema
user specifies a name by defining the appropriate general
entity, in the internal DTD-subset of the schema document.

A schema which declares three element types named 'Cat',
'Dog', and something-to-be-determined-later might look like
this.  In the body of the schema, we use an entity reference
where the user-specified name is to go:

  <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""> 
   <xsd:element name="Cat"/>
   <xsd:element name="Dog"/>
   <xsd:element name="&animal;"/>

(All examples coded by hand, not validated. Check for typos
before copying into production schemas ...)

This part of the schema can remain the same for all users.

At the top of the file, we have the XML declaration as 
usual, and in the internal subset of the document
type declaration, we define the entity 'animal' as
having the value parakeet.

  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE xsd:schema PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XML Schema 20000406//EN" 
    "XMLSchema.dtd" [
    <!ENTITY % p 'xsd:'>
    <!ENTITY % s ':xsd'>   

    <!ENTITY animal 'parakeet'>

When used with this prolog, the schema above declares 
element types named 'Cat', 'Dog', and 'parakeet'.  To
change the name of the third type, a user of the schema can
simply substitute a different declaration for 'animal'.

2 Equivalence class hack.  Declare an abstract element:
we'll call it 'animal':

  <xsd:element name='animal' abstract='true' />

The user of the schema can declare an element type with
any name they like, and specify that it is equivalent
to your 'animal' element. 

  <xsd:element name='parakeet' equivClass="Bahreininejad:animal" .../>

There are two salient restrictions:  First, the type of 
'parakeet' must be derived from the type of 'animal' (this 
allows the creator of a module to enforce certain expectations
about what can occur where an animal is expected).  And
second, 'parakeet' is allowed to be a member only of one
equivalence class.  In complex cases this may become
burdensome, but this restriction is a fairly simple way
to help avoid or at least control ambiguity.

I hope this helps.

-C. M. Sperberg-McQueen

Received on Wednesday, 17 May 2000 18:44:21 UTC