
Forwarded note from Gregor Meyer.
No need for nonPositiveInteger he says.

All the best, Ashok

---------------------- Forwarded by Ashok Malhotra/Watson/IBM on 04/18/2000
10:27 AM ---------------------------

Gregor Meyer@IBMDE
04/18/2000 09:02 AM

To:   Ashok Malhotra/Watson/IBM@IBMUS
From: Gregor Meyer/Germany/IBM@IBMDE
Subject:  nonPositiveInteger


meanwhile I have dowloaded DDbE. That tool seems to produce a schema
definition by looking at XML examples. Do you know of any other tool which
directly converts a DTD to a schema?

A minor comment on the recent XML Schema definitions:
 xmlschema-2.html defines a type nonPositiveInteger;  I have never seen an
application where this type would have been useful. The type
nonNegativeInteger is often used, though. Is it intended to have an almost
complete set of basic types defined by the standard?  In my humble opinion
there is no need for a standardized   type nonPositiveInteger.


Gregor Meyer/Germany/IBM, Intelligent Miner for Data, SWSD Boeblingen, Tel. +49-7031-16-4273, Fax -4891,

Received on Tuesday, 18 April 2000 17:06:43 UTC