Qualifiers Question

I have an XQuery grammar question. From the current working document,
The example in question:
Section 4.4 Queries on Sequence
the third example 
for $p in //procedure
where some $i in $proc//incision satisfies
        empty($proc//anesthesia[. precedes $i])
return $p
I believe $proc//anesthesia matches the relative path expression:
For the Qualifiers predicate that follows it, [. precedes $i]   I can
find no expression that would match.
The parse at that point has identified ........... PrimaryExpr  ->
FunctionCall  -> RelativePathExpr
FunctionCall would have to consume its' right paren before PrimaryExpr
could match Qualifiers
The RelativePathExpr is idendtifying a sequence of nodes and Qualifiers
predicate filters node sequences. So I think the example is right. Am I
missing something or is the grammar? Enlighten me please.
Margaret Green

Received on Wednesday, 12 June 2002 21:26:34 UTC