Data Model pseudo-code: else-less ifs

XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model
W3C Working Draft
7 June 2001

In the pseudo-code, what is the value of
    if (X) then Y
when X is false?  I think it's ill-defined; an if-expression must have an
"else" part.

This raises two more syntax errors:

4.1 Documents
function dm-node ...
    The final "if" does not have an "else". It should probably be:
        else empty-sequence()
    In fact, maybe you should drop the three previous "else if" parts,
    since they too just yield empty-sequence().

4.8 Text
function dm-text-nodes ...
    The last "if" does not have an "else". It should probably be:
        else append(h, head(t), dm-text-nodes(tail(t)))

-Michael Dyck

Received on Tuesday, 18 September 2001 03:23:48 UTC