Re: XML Query Use Case SGML, query 8a, 8b

Dear Michael,

This is a response to the following message, which you posted to the XML 
Query Working Group's comments list:

The XML Query Working Group has approved the following response:

(1) In part (1) of your message you observe that the result of use case 
SGML, query 8a, should be the elements on lines 50 and 59 rather than 51 
and 60.  You are correct.  Thank you for calling this error to our attention.

(2) In part (2) of your message you observe that a section may contain more 
than one title, so the function call string(.//title) may receive more than 
one title-node as its operand.  In the revised XQuery specification 
published on June 7, it is an error to call a function that expects one 
node with an argument containing more than one node. Therefore, query 8a in 
use case SGML is not expressed correctly.  It should be rephrased as follows:

    //section[some $t in .//title satisfies contains(string($t), "is SGML")]

You are also correct that the same comments apply to query 8b, to wit:

(3) The result of query 8b should be the element beginning on line 59
rather than 60.

(4) Query 8b should be rephrased as follows:

    //section[some $t in .//title/text() satisfies contains($t, "is SGML")]

We will correct these errors in the next edition of the Use Cases 
document.  Thank you for bringing them to our attention.

We appreciate your feedback on the XML Query specifications. Please let us 
know if this response is satisfactory. If not, please respond to this 
message, explaining your concerns.

Don Chamberlin
Jonathan Robie
On behalf of the XML Query Working Group

Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2001 12:44:16 UTC