Suggestion for New XQuery Use Cases

I'd like to suggest the addition of another class of use cases related to
the web and data integration.  Currently, the use cases assume that XML
content is coming from a document at a particular, predefined URI.
Considering that an important application of XML is integration of data in
existing data sources, it seems likely that we will want to query over not
only predefined views, but also *dynamically generated* requests.

The concept is basically analogous to "binding patterns" in relational data
integration:  if we want to integrate bookseller data, we can't actually get
a list of books and data directly from Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Instead, we need to get a list of books or authors from another table, and
for each of these, we essentially send a query to our favorite bookstore and
get back the related information.  This is a basic capability of most data
integration systems.

I would like to see something similar in XQuery:  a query should be able to
dynamically generate requests based on its current bound variables.  In
fact, this seems to already be possible in the current XQuery syntax -- in a
more powerful form than in the original binding-pattern context[1].  For
example, Q1 of Use Case XMP might be changed to the following:

  FOR $pub IN
   <publisher name={ $pub }>
    FOR $b IN document("" + $pub)/bib/book
    WHERE $b/@year > 1991
	  <book year={ $b/@year }>
	    { $b/title }

if were accessible through a CGI that needed an input "publisher"
parameter in order to return results.  We've provided an input binding
within the document URI.  This example allows the XQuery to invoke a
GET-style CGI (one that takes its parameters in the URI) by modifying the
document URI.  To this point, no one has explicitly mentioned that this
style of query is legal, but it's not disallowed either.  I'm hoping it can
be officially endorsed as a use case.

However, I'd suggest going further -- XQuery should allow for dynamic
invocation of subqueries via:

* GET-style CGI, as mentioned above
* POST-style CGI (the other common web form interface)
* SOAP request (thus XQueryX, XForms, etc.)
* etc.

We could use string concatenation to build query requests within an XQuery,
then submit those queries to data providers.  This could simply involve the
addition of a new function to the standard XQuery library -- perhaps
"query(URI,query_string)" where the URI has a prefix specifying the

I'd appreciate it if the Working Group could consider extending the use
cases along this direction.

Best regards,

[1] The XQuery extension is more powerful than binding patterns because one
can compose an arbitrary URI -- different "tables" and the input values can
be specified -- in the XQuery case.  Binding patterns are value assignments
within the scope of a single table, rather than separate queries.

Received on Sunday, 17 June 2001 19:37:48 UTC